McMahon Software's SuperView Why you should buy the full version... There are several reasons to buy the full version of SuperView. In fact, there are no reasons NOT to buy the full version of SuperView. Read and print SUPERV_S.TXT for forms, etc. you need to purchase SuperView with. When you buy SuperView 2.0, you... 1. Get support for not only BMP, but DIB, ICO, JPG, PIC, and WMF as well as BMP. 2. Get rid of that annoying "Register Now" screen. 3. No longer have to click two buttons to exit SuperView. 4. Can have many, many pictures open at once. 5. Can view pictures much larger than your computer screen. 6. Help McMahon Software grow to continue to provide good, inexpensive software. 7. Have something to brag about!!! BUY SUPERVIEW...TODAY!!!!